California must address the perpetual water supply threat that grows worse every year.

SB 366: CA Water for All is the solution

The State must reverse the trend of overreliance on water cutbacks and rationing by working with the water community to rectify the decades-long, statewide water supply threat that is impacting 40 million Californians.

  • “The water system in California was designed for a world that no longer exists. The hot's getting a lot hotter, the dry's getting a lot drier and the wet's getting a lot wetter.”

    Governor Newsom

California Capitol

What is SB 366?

SB 366 establishes statewide water supply targets while requiring the State, water community, and stakeholders to follow through on comprehensive, long-term water supply solutions that will transform water management in California.

Why the State Needs a New Direction

A changing climate with more frequent dry periods and shorter bursts of heavy rain make water supply highly unpredictable. The consequences of inaction are ongoing, being felt today, and will be catastrophic for the future of California. 

dry drought lands
Truck stuck in the middle of a flood

SB 366: The Solution to CA’s Water Supply Challenges

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