The Solution

SB 366

The State needs additional water supply. Immediate action is required and it is incumbent upon policymakers to get California’s water supply on the right track to preserve the California way of life, support economic vitality, and fulfill generational responsibility. It’s time for collaboration and solutions through SB 366. All Californians depend on it.

Overview of SB 366

California must address the perpetual water supply threat that grows worse every year. The time to act is now. We need to reverse the trend of overreliance on water cutbacks and rationing and rectify the decades-long, statewide water supply threat that is impacting 40 million Californians.

SB 366 would transform California water management so that instead of managing for scarcity, the State will work toward water supply targets to ensure we have enough water for communities, agriculture, and the environment.

SB 366 has two main components that would be done in consultation with local water agencies, wastewater service providers and other stakeholders: 

  • Establish long-term water supply targets for the State to achieve by specific deadlines.

  • Update the requirement that state agencies develop a plan to achieve those targets.

The State already establishes goals for other vital services such as climate, energy, housing, workforce development, education, and more. It is critical for the State to now establish targets for future water supply to reach specific goals that would meet California’s future water supply needs.

When goals for water supply are set, the State will be able to measure progress and how to adjust state policies. In addition, these targets generate a commitment and create accountability from the State, the water community, and stakeholders to follow through on comprehensive, long-term water supply solutions that will transform water management. 

Building upon the strong foundation from Governor Newsom’s 2022 Water Supply Strategy

Recently, the State has taken steps to move California toward sustainability including a major investment of over $8 billion in the past two years for water projects. In August 2022, the Newsom Administration released “Water Supply Strategy: Adapting to a Hotter, Drier Future,” which outlined multiple steps and goals for ensuring the State has sufficient water in the future to meet our needs. This plan is a step in the right direction, but is not in statute and is not financed. Much more is needed to lead us securely into the future.

The goals established in SB 366 would complement and amplify Governor Newsom’s Water Supply Strategy, ensuring there are water supply goals that extend beyond any single Administration. 

Benefits of a statewide, long-term solution
Policymakers and stakeholders must address the urgency now given the time needed to overhaul the current system. The enactment of SB 366: CA Water for All will have widespread positive impacts such as:

Preserve the California way of life

Water supply is central to our homes and communities, habitat and environment, recreation and tourism, and business and economic success.

Support economic vitality

The future of all business, from restaurants to technology companies, depends on a reliable water supply.

Fulfill generational responsibility

This generation has the responsibility to develop a water system that will adapt to changes in the environment and allow the state to thrive now and for future generations.  


Download our resource materials below to share with your network and inform them of the urgent need for State action with SB 366. Our fact sheets cover a wide range of topics, providing insights on California’s water supply threats, and the benefits of a statewide, long-term solution — SB 366.